Health Update #2
Click this link to read our latest Health Update dated October 2021. This contains important information on COVID-19 and other health tips.
Health Update #1
Click here to view the latest health update.
Great News: Free Vaccines
From the 1st of July 2020, vaccines recommended for people without a functioning spleen will be funded under the National Immunisation Program (NIP)
The free vaccines include
Bexsero (Meningococcal B)
Nimenrix (Meningococcal ACWY)
Prevenar 13 (13-valent pneumococcal conjugate)
Pneumovax 23 (23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide)
Act-HIB (Haemophilus influenzae type b)
What is the National Immunisation Program (NIP)?
The NIP provides free vaccines to eligible people to help reduce diseases that can be prevented by vaccination.
How do I know which vaccines I need?
You and your GP can find the latest vaccine recommendations on this website, or in The Australian Immunisation Handbook.
Where can I get immunised?
Make an appointment with your general practitioner (GP) to receive the vaccinations. In some cases you may also receive the vaccinations in a hospital.
Are there any cost to get the vaccines?
The vaccines are free but your GP may charge you for the appointment or administration.
Please click the link above to read the full update.
Daryl Braithwaite launches upgraded Spleen Australia website
Australian singer Daryl Braithwaite is using a deeply personal experience to highlight the work of Spleen Australia.
As the Melbourne-based, but internationally known front man for iconic Australian band Sherbet in the 70s, Daryl has been without his spleen since 2016.
He knows only too well the health challenges faced by people without a spleen.
Away from rapturous acclaim whenever he performs the hit The Horses – which is also one of the most played songs at weddings around the world – Daryl has signed up as the patron of Spleen Australia.
And Daryl is using his knowledge of the impact of losing a spleen to help promote Spleen Australia’s newly revamped website.
Daryl’s spleen had to be removed in 2016 as a result of a gastric problem.
“Sometimes I think some of us in the music industry live in a bubble,” Daryl said when recalling the time when he fell ill having not faced any health issues in the past.
Daryl said it was scary going to the doctor and he was dreading the worse diagnosis. Fortunately, he didn’t have cancer, but the diagnosis was still serious, requiring surgery.
He felt the care he got in hospital was fantastic, especially from the doctors and nurses.
Health is very important to Daryl who wants to be around for his son Oscar.
Spleen Australia, based at The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, helps people of all ages who do not have a functioning spleen by assisting them reduce their chances of getting a bacterial infection or other potentially serious complications.
Anyone who registers with Spleen Australia is provided with information about how to avoid infections and have access to a health information line.
Since the operation back in 2016 the now 71-year-old Braithwaite has been enjoying good health and continues to do all he can for bushfire victims.
And of course Daryl also wants to support people who do not have a functioning spleen by using his own story and experience to guide them towards maintaining ongoing good health.
Updating your contact details
In order to keep you up to date with the latest Spleen Australia activities and medical recommendations it is vital we have your up to date contact details, including mobile or home phone number, personal e-mail address and postal address.
To update your contact details, please send us an e-mail at or call us 03 9076 3828 (Victoria and Tasmania), 1800 775 336 (QLD)
You are unable to access your Spleen Australia registration page once it has been completed. If there is anything you would like to change or let us know please get in contact with us.